Te Papapa ECE

The first birthday is on Tues 12 May 2015: Watch this space!

TPPS Four Tamariki Tree

Our new Centre Manager is Liz Ferris.

phone 09 634 7387 to enquire or enrol students.

Any donations gratefully received   you can direct deposit to:   12-3014-0119188-00            Account Name: Te Papapa ECE Trust  (reference: donation) You will be issued with a receipt for tax credit purposes as we are a registered charitable trust.


A wonderful item!

A wonderful item!

We raised $28,000 at the fundraising dinner on 16th March. It was a huge success. Thankyou to all who came, supported, donated and enjoyed the event!

The Ministry of Education has granted us $100,000 to complete the project, but we need to raise $100,000 first. So that leaves us $70,000 to go! Further donations much appreciated.

Direct deposit to:  12-3014-0119188-00            Account Name: Te Papapa ECE Trust

The Te Papapa Early Childhood Education Trust is a registered charity so we can issue receipts for tax deductions.

Please contact us if you would like to donate anything or have any further questions.


